In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Don Charisma

«In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.»

— Bill Cosby quotes are sponsored by – you dream it we built it … because – “anything is possible with Charisma”

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super simple spelt salad

The Muffin Myth

spelt salad // the muffin myth

This salad is something I’ve been meaning to share with you guys for a while now.

I first had it two summers ago when I was staying in a sleepy little beach town in the south of Sweden and popped into a café during a rare afternoon to myself. I liked the salad so much that I went back the next day, had it again, and wrote down the list of ingredients.

super simple spelt salad // the muffin myth

I do love a good grain salad, and I think this one is perfect for this time of year, when most of us would rather not be spending much time in the kitchen. There isn’t too much chopping involved, and there are several shortcuts you can take along the way.

Look for tiny cherry tomatoes that don’t need to be sliced in half. Buy pitted olives. Crumble the feta with your hands as opposed to cubing it up…

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your nutrition questions – what about fruit?

The Muffin Myth

what about fruit // the muffin myth

Sugar is a hot topic in nutrition right now. So many people are either off added sugar or off refined sugar, and I can’t even tell you how many recipes I’ve read that exclaim to be sugar free and then call for honey or maple syrup. That right there tells me how confusing this subject is for most of us.

The trouble is, there are as many opinions as there are experts, and this is a big topic. Far too big for just one post, so I thought I’d start with a question I get fairly frequently – what about fruit?

Let’s break it down.

Fruit contains carbohydrate, mainly in the form of the naturally occurring sugar, fructose. Vegetables also contain carbohydrate, but typically much less than fruits, and they therefore contain fewer calories.

The idea that fruit is loaded with sugar needs to be put into perspective. Yes, there…

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4 ways to use leftover herbs

The Muffin Myth

four ways to use leftover herbs

Photo by Lindsey Johnson

Do you ever buy a bunch of herbs for a recipe that only calls for a small amount? Hate wasting food? Me too! The good news is that there are lots of ways to use leftover herbs that will either extend their life or give them a new one. I’m on Oh My Veggies talking about four of my favourite ways to use leftover herbs. Head over to Oh My Veggies for some inspiration, tips, and recipes, and be sure to let me know about your favourite thing to do with leftover herbs!

But wait! Don’t forget you have until Sunday July 6th to enter my giveaway for a bottle of six-month vanilla extract.

All text and photos © The Muffin Myth 2014

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‘Magic’ Nectarine Dressing + White Nectarine and Pecan Salad

food to glow

nectarine saladHappy 4th of July! Once again, a holiday sneaks up on me and I am here, at the last gasp, tippy tapping away trying to write a relevant post. My excuse is that as an ex-pat American living in the UK we of course don’t celebrate the 4th. While the US is celebrating getting away from past religious intolerance and heavy taxes (no comment), we – the offending country – might have a little shelf at Tescos with red, white and blue foods. Aside from fresh berries, it is all unnatural. Of course.

But I know that Stateside the only way to not know it is The Fourth of July (it has to be in caps, btw) is to be in sedated in hospital, or living deep in a wood somewhere with only bears and wolves for company.  I trust none of you fall into those categories.

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All-Fruit Ice Lollies (Popsicles!)

food to glow

all-fruit ice lollies by kellie's food to glowIf it is hot where you are, eating cool foods and sipping iced drinks will be high on your agenda. Ice lollies are always a hit – whether bought or made; whether you are young or old. Why not keep it healthy and fun by making these all-fruit ice lollies?

It’s a hectic weekend for many of us so I shan’t keep you with one of my typical rambling posts. I will let the pictures and wee recipe – such as it is – speak for themselves. Enjoy your weekend. K x

all-fruit ice lollies by kellie's food to glow

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Weight-loss Success Story: David lost 205lbs

Don't Weight Any Longer | Certified Independent Health Coach | Take Shape For Life

Check out David’s story! He is such an inspiration to so many! Love the last two paragraphs!!

His story: I started program 10-1-09. -My Total Weight Loss is 205 pounds from my highest weight of 420 pounds. I am basically in maintenance at this point

In 2008 I topped the scales at 420 pounds and was scheduled for Gastric Bypass surgery, but despite my desperation I canceled my surgery just 2 days before I went under the knife. Still ready to find a real solution, a friend introduced me to what I now call the “Holy Grail of Weight Loss”. With her supporting me as my Health Coach, I started the program and now am no longer a bystander to life, rather I’m a fully engaged and active participant in my own life.

So I decided to make my goal what seemed like the most impossible thing I could ever…

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